Sunday, April 9, 2017

Defcon 2017 - here we come

This may not be the general class topic but I wanted to share some awesome news - we are heading out to Defcon this summer. And did I mention its for free :)

My wife works for a large University and she gets to go to certain medical conventions. As I am graduating next semester we were planning to go to Defcon as my graduation present. Well thanks to the Biohacking Village we were able to tie Defcon as an eligible conference which is tied to medical field, and have the whole trip paid by the University.

What is the Biohacking Village?

In their own words:

"The DEF CON Biohacking Village is a multi-day biotechnology conference focused on breakthrough DIY, grinder, transhumanist, medical technology, and information security along with its related communities in the open source ecosystem." 

I am actually very excited to learn more about Biohacking as I have covered some of the risks in one of my previous classes. My interest is in medical device hacking but to be honest I could enjoy just about any topic related to hacking. The list of presenters and topics is still being put together so I cant provide more detialed information but here is the official site for everyone who is interested.

I hope I will see some of my classmates or professors at this years Defcon. 

See you there....

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